Teach Your Dog New Tricks: 6 Training Tips for Beginners

Training your dog is not only important for their behavior, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. Teaching your dog new tricks can go beyond just entertainment, providing them with mental stimulation and building their confidence. As a beginner dog owner, it’s important to seek out professional help from a behaviorist or dog training instructor if you encounter any issues. In this article, we’ll provide you with seven training tips for beginners to help you teach your dog some basic and advanced tricks. So, if you’re looking to have fun with your furry friend while building their obedience and intelligence, keep reading!
Popular Dog Trick: Sit, Stand & Down
One of the most popular dog tricks that every pet parent wants to teach their furry friend is Sit, Stand & Down. These commands are not just cute positions for your dog to hold, but they are essentially the building blocks of basic obedience training.
Sit Command: Start by holding a treat close to your dog’s nose and move it up, leading your dog’s head to follow the treat while sitting naturally. Say “Sit!” and give your pup the treat as a reward. This command is essential as it teaches impulse control and helps strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
Stand Command: Start by getting your dog in a sitting position. Hold a treat in front of your pup’s nose and then move it slowly away so that your dog has to stand up to follow the treat. Say “Stand!” once he’s on all fours, then give the treat as a reward. This command helps to stretch your dog’s muscles and allows him to give respect to you when standing.
Down Command: Start with getting your dog in a sitting position. Then hold a treat near your dog’s nose and slowly move it towards the floor, so your dog follows the treat while lying down. Say “Down!” and give your dog the treat as a reward. This command encourages calm behavior and helps dogs to relax as laying down is a sign of being submissive or calm.
Variations: Once your dog has mastered the basic commands of Sit, Stand & Down, add some variation to them by incorporating visual and verbal commands. Try using hand gestures, facial expressions, or a whistle as visual commands for your dog to follow. Use different tones of voice for verbal commands – a soft, happy voice for positive reinforcement and a stern tone for correcting behavior. This will help keep your dog’s training fresh and exciting.

Basic Tricks to Try Out: Complete Circle or Spin Around in Place
Teaching your dog new tricks can be a fun and rewarding experience. If you’re looking for a basic trick to try out with your furry friend, why not introduce them to completing a circle or spinning around in place?
To get started, hold a treat in front of your dog’s nose and move it in a circular motion, guiding your dog to follow the treat around until it completes a full circle. Use a clicker or a verbal cue, such as “Yes!” or “Good job!”, to mark the behavior once your dog has completed the circle and offer plenty of praise and a tasty treat as a reward.
Next, gradually add the command “spin” before leading your dog around in a circle with the treat. With enough practice, your dog will start to associate the verbal command with the behavior and will be able to complete the spin on command.
To increase the difficulty, you can tell your dog to “go left” or “go right” and lead them with the treat or toy in your desired direction. This will challenge your dog’s coordination and understanding of the command.
Practicing this trick during regular training sessions can provide mental stimulation for your furry friend and help release excess energy. Make sure to offer lots of praise and treats to keep your dog motivated and engaged.
Cute Trick: High Five or Shake Hands
Teaching your furry friend how to give a High Five or Shake Hands is a cute and impressive trick that can be mastered with a bit of patience and practice.
Start by taking advantage of your dog’s natural instinct to paw at things for treats. Begin by presenting a closed fistful of food to your pup and wait for them to paw at you. It’s essential to do this consistently until your dog gets the message that they receive the reward after pawing or shaking hands with you.
After this, introduce the command ‘Shake’ or ‘Give paw’ and repeat it several times until they get used to the command. Use a firm tone of voice, so your dog understands that this is a command and not just playing around.
The next step is to hold your dog’s paw while giving it a gentle shake. Do this a couple of times to get your dog comfortable with you holding their paw and shaking it back and forth.
Introduce the idea of rewarding them with a tasty treat for shaking your hand and saying the command. Only offer the reward when they shake your hand in response to the command. This will help them associate the trick with the command and the treat.
Repeat the command and reward until they give you their paw without needing prompting. Once they master the Shake command, you can also teach them to perform the trick with the other paw, using the same steps.
Fun Trick: Roll Over or Play Dead
Teaching your dog fun tricks is not only an excellent way to keep them mentally stimulated, but it’s also fun for both you and your furry friend. One great trick that is sure to impress is the Roll Over or Play Dead trick. While not necessary, this skill can serve as a fun party trick to amaze those around you.
Here are some clear and easy-to-follow instructions for teaching your dog this trick.
1. Begin by getting your dog into a “down” position. You can do this by instructing them to lie down or wait until they do it naturally.
2. Once your dog is in a down position, gently guide their nose to the side of their head with a treat in your hand. The goal is to get your dog to roll over onto their side while keeping their head down.
3. To train your dog to roll over, reward them with a treat and positive reinforcement each time they successfully perform the action. Gradually introduce the verbal command “roll over” during the training process.
4. Continue to give your dog the treat and praise them each time they roll over on command. Remember to be patient and consistent with your training.
5. Alternatively, you can teach your dog the “Play Dead” trick, which involves guiding your dog to lay on their back with their paws on their chest as if they were dead. This trick can be a bit more complicated, but with patience and persistence, your dog can master it.
6. To train a dog to perform the “Play Dead” trick, use a touch stick or treat to gently position them. Once they are in the correct position, reward them with a treat and praise.
7. Repeat the move and slowly add the verbal command “Play Dead” each time. Remember to reinforce the behavior with treats and verbal praise.
Teaching your dog fun tricks like Roll Over or Play Dead can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. Remember to be patient, consistent, and positive throughout the process. With time and practice, your dog will master this impressive trick.
Adorable Trick: Beg or Wave Goodbye
Teaching your furry friend new tricks can be one of the most fun and rewarding parts of being a pet owner. An adorable trick that never fails to impress is teaching your dog to Beg or Wave Goodbye. This fun trick involves your dog standing up on his hind legs, raising his front paws, and waving goodbye – perfect for impressing family and friends.
To begin teaching this trick, grab your dog’s attention with a treat held just above his head. As he raises his head to look up at the treat, encourage him to rise up onto his hind legs. Once he starts to lift his front paws off the ground, slowly move the treat closer to his body, encouraging him to stretch upwards. As he does so, give the command “Beg” or “Wave Goodbye.”
Reward your furry friend with a tasty treat as soon as he raises his paws in the air. Repeat this process a few times until your dog grasps the trick – make sure to use plenty of verbal praise and affection!
Once your furry friend has mastered Beg or Wave Goodbye, only reward him with a tasty treat and lots of verbal praise after he completes the trick. Remember to be patient, consistent, and always reward your furry friend for their hard work. With time, he’ll soon be a pro at this adorable trick that’s sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face.
Essential Trick: Leave It or Wait at the Door
Teaching your dog the essential tricks of ‘leave it’ or ‘wait at the door’ can improve their safety and wellbeing in many ways. ‘Leave it’ or ‘drop it’ can prevent them from eating harmful objects or substances, while waiting at the door can help control their impulsivity to run out into the street, keeping them out of harm’s way. In this article, we will discuss in detail how to teach your dog these tricks and make your furry friend’s life a lot safer.
Firstly, teaching your dog to ‘leave it’ is relatively simple. It involves training your dog to stop and ignore something harmful that they want to pick up or eat. For instance, if your dog tries to grab a piece of chocolate lying on the ground, you can say ‘leave it’ and reward them with a treat for obeying the command. Here’s a step-by-step guide to train your dog on ‘Leave it’:
1. Choose a treat that your dog loves and a second treat that they like less.
2. Offer your dog the less desirable treat enclosed in your fist.
3. When your dog sniffs, licks or tries to paw at your hand, ignore them.
4. As soon as your dog backs off, praise them and give them the better treat, saying ‘leave it.’
5. Repeat the exercise several times and gradually reduce the treats you offer.
It’s crucial to remember that the ‘leave it’ technique requires consistency and repetition. So practice it repeatedly till your dog masters it, and keep your training sessions short but frequent.
Now let’s move on to the ‘wait at the door’ trick. This trick is all about impulse control. When your dog hears the doorbell or sees someone coming towards the door, they become excited and impulsive and, in most cases, run towards the door. Training your dog to ‘wait at the door’ can give you enough time to put them on a leash or calm them down before they run out. Here’s how to teach your dog to ‘wait at the door.’
1. Start with your dog in a sitting or standing position near the door.
2. Open the door slightly so that they can see and smell what’s outside.
3. Use a visual, vocal, or physical cue, such as hand signal, word, or a leash pull, to keep them from running towards the door.
4. As long as they remain in place, reward them with a treat and some verbal praise.
5. Repeat the exercise, gradually increasing the door’s opening distance.
Once your dog masters this trick, you’ll have more control over their behavior and keep them safe by avoiding possible dangers like fast-moving vehicles.

In conclusion for dog training tips, teaching your dog new tricks requires consistent training, which plays a vital role in building a stronger bond between you and your furry friend. It’s crucial to remain patient, persistent, and full of love during training sessions to make them more effective and enjoyable for both you and your dog. Consistent training not only fosters good behavior but also ensures that destructive habits are replaced with positive and engaging behaviors. Positive reinforcement, in the form of treats, verbal praise, and lots of love, is essential in encouraging your dog to learn and improve. In essence, consistent training is a way of communicating with your dog, understanding their needs, and unlocking their full potential.